
2023年12月3日—Thisextensionbringsasmall,persistentprogressbartotheYouTubeplayer,enhancingyourviewingexperience.,用有趣酷炫的動畫、顏色和漸變讓YouTube播放器的進度條脫穎而出!CustomProgressBarforYouTube為您提供擴展程序內的30彩色進度條和大約1000個自定義進度條 ...,CustomProgressBarforYouTubegivesyouaselectionof30colorfulprogressbarsinsidetheextensionandabout1000customprogressbarsareavailable ...,R...

Permanent Progress Bar for YouTube

2023年12月3日 — This extension brings a small, persistent progress bar to the YouTube player, enhancing your viewing experience.

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube™

用有趣酷炫的動畫、顏色和漸變讓YouTube 播放器的進度條脫穎而出! Custom Progress Bar for YouTube 為您提供擴展程序內的30 彩色進度條和大約1000 個自定義進度條  ...

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube™

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube gives you a selection of 30 colorful progress bars inside the extension and about 1000 custom progress bars are available ...

Sweezy Custom Progress Bar for Youtube™

Revamp your YouTube vibe! Swap the borring progress bar with funky animations & colors. It's time to play, the stylish way!

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube

Transform your Youtube™ player into something awesome by changing the progress bar to a custom design from our fun collection!

Video progress bar

The video progress bar makes it easy to check where you left off the last time you watched a video. When you leave a video without finishing it, a bar under the ...